Get Stitcher, Win Money & Support Me!

For those of you who don’t know, Stitcher Radio is the best net radio app out there.  Available for iphone, ipad, android, and blackberry, you really have no excuse for not having this yet.  

With Stitcher you can get episodes of my show as soon as they post, plus listen to the live stream of TalkRadioX, AllDigitalRadio, and a number of others.

Now, don’t go rushing off to download it yet.  Hang on.  Here’s the deal.  You go to this link first,, and then download it and not only are you getting the awesomeness known as Stitcher, but you’re helping me out as well.   With each person who signs up that way, Stitcher will in turn give your pal Dan a (very) small chunk of change.   You need to use the promo code RADIODAN, so keep that in mind.  Once you do you are entered win $100.00 cash card!  Mint!

So you see, it will be like donating to the show but instead it costs you nothing AND you get one of the best apps out there AND you might get something back in return.  Win Win Win!

Poker Anyone?

We’ve been discussing doing an online poker tournament with all the hosts and listeners at TRX.  Though I’m not sure if enough people would be interested.  Especially since winning would most likely get you a tshirt or a mug.

After a little research I’ll know if its worth the effort.  I hope so because I think it’s a fun idea.  More than likely this would take place on a Saturday and depending on how well it went I could see this kind of thing taking place periodically.

Mondays Are Twice As Nice…and Long

If you pay attention to TalkRadioX then this is old news.

Mondays The Radio Dan Show is a whopping two hours long!  That’s right there’s now more of me to love.  Or if you listen to the replay then Tuesdays at 2pm you’ll notice that I’m doing extra duty.

I’m not sure how long this will last.  So far I’ve two Mondays this way and honestly it’s a lot of fun.   It’s certainly feels like a challenge to have that much to talk about.   I’m only taking the one break at the top of the hour so we’ll see how long that lasts.

Recently I was listening The Dan LeBatard Show on 790 AM here in South Florida. My favorite radio show by far.  Dan had announced they were doing one hour commercial free but would do a couple of live spots.  So I thought this would be great until they played a Letterman clip that was about 5 minutes long.  The rest of the hour was pretty cluncky.  I hope that’s not how I’m sounding. 

The Live Test Show will now be doing two hours on Friday nights starting at 8pm, so everything balances out.   Go on now, tell some friends.

First London (KY), Then the World!

I will admit to not knowing where London, KY was before a few weeks ago.  However I was made aware of it’s presence when I started to look for more Part 15 stations to syndicate TalkRadioX programming to.

That’s when I came across Radio Free London, a Part 15 metal outfit looking for something to put for the overnights.  Hey sure, it’s not WABC in New York City, but we couldn’t be happier here at TRX.

This now makes four Part 15 affiliates using TRX in some capacity in the last two months.  Hopefully there’s more to come.

Just What You Need: More Of Me!

Tonight on TalkRadioX, there is a really great line up of shows.  I’m hoping this keeps up because it’s really unique and there’s not a lot of other places offering what we are.

I’ve written about The Freelancer, the in house produced radio drama, before.  Tonight at 10pm EST is another new episode, and in a personal victory it’s the second one in a row, and I’m hoping this catches on.  At least to a certain degree.

Following that is the original radio comedy show, Radio Meatsauce, at 11pm EST.  This has turned out far better than I would have hoped and as long as Arnold and company can keep it up, I’m all for it.

And then at midnight EST, The TRX Weekly Report does it live for the first time.  What was a Talk Soup like-podcast is now a live show that will still feature clips from the previous week from all the different TRX hosts (well, those that submitted them) but will also serve as a broadcasting round table of sorts.  I’m hosting along with Antubert and it should be fun.  Self-indulgent but fun.

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