The Radio Dan Show: May 29th, 2014


danLOGO-finalTrailers From Hell, Miami Edison High School Cop Resigns, STARGATE Reboot, Community May Head To Hulu, Sin City Poster Banned By MPAA, Reading Rainbow Kickstarter, Avatar Live Show with Cirque du Soleil, Weekend Movie Previews: Maleficent, A Million Ways to Die in the West, Filth, Night Moves.

Talking Over Trailers – Marathon Man

By Dan Delgado

I don’t know about you, but I love Trailers From Hell.

If you don’t know what I mean, it’s a web series that features a variety of filmmakers talking about their favorite movies and telling why they love them and offering up some information you probably didn’t know as well.  They do this in under five minutes since they are talking while the trailer plays. For a movie geek it’s a fantastic thing and I keep watching them.

Naturally it would make sense that I would want to rip that off. Well, not really rip it off, but take part in my own way. So, I made one myself. Here it is. Hopefully, Joe Dante (who runs TFH) won’t be pissed.

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